Upside Down Texas Clementine Muffins
5 weeks ago
Dining and culinary news from a food enthusiast in Southwest Minneapolis. Commentary spans all things food including restaurants, recipes, trends, markets, food sustainability and anything that has to do with making your next meal better. My weekly "Epic Sandwich" feature will take you along for the ride as I seek out the Metro's most prolific sandwich eateries (mildly obsessed).
Nice work on the CSA. Maybe you should have signed up for the one we signed up for at Burning River Farms of Frederick Wi. I am sharing a whole share with a friend. But I am sure we could get you on to something to.
Let me know.
Buon appetito,
Hungry in SW,
I think a CSA crop share creates a healthy balance to the corporate production that is essential to feed a growing population. It is good to support local artisan farmers, even if only for a few weeks in the summer. Plus, the interesting products make for more creative salads and sides.
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